Friday, 19 April 2013

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Make your own slideshow at Animoto.

When producing my media product I feel that I have learnt a lot about technologies in the process, I have managed to gain key skills in Media and knowledge of Softwares of which I had no previous experience with before. I am now confident in using these Softwares and key skills that I have learnt in the process of constructing my product, and can now apply them to my A2 course to come in later Media Studies.

One of the Softwares I learnt to use properly was Adobe Photoshop, this was due to my previous experience with it in my preliminary as I had been given help in doing so. By the time I started the process of constructing my media product, I was able to use Photoshop with no help needed. I used Photoshop for every part of my production; creating my masthead, arranging images and arranging the forms and conventions of a magazine.

I did however use a website called 'Da font' to get the font size and style that I felt was best suited for the genre of my magazine, after I had chosen my font I transferred the masthead to Photoshop and made my logo to fit the masthead.
I decided to use 'Survey monkey' in the process of my research, this helped me gather easy and efficient responses to the questions I wanted asked about my media product. Once I had made the survey and gathered my information I then posted my results onto my Blog to show evidence of my research, at this point I was needed to know how to use 'Blogger' so my Media tutor could keep track of my development.

To take my Photos for my Photoshoot, I was needed to gain more experience of the SLR camera of which we was provided with, this would ensure that I was able to get the right angles and compositions to capture the right images to put onto my final production.
Overall, I feel that in the process of constructing my media product I have learnt a great deal about technologies and Media skills that would help me develop onto the A2 course. I feel that I am now much more confident in using new Softwares and technologies, and it has helped me create the image for my media product of which I was aiming for.

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